මොරටුව ඉන්ජිනියරින්, Z-ස්කෝර්, ෆීල්ඩ් සිලෙක්ෂන්, සමාජ සාදාරණයමෑත කාලීනව මොරටුව විශ්ව-විද්යාලයේ ඉන්ජිනේරු පීඨය සදහා සිසුන් බදවා ගැනීමේදී එහි පැවති ක්රමය යම් වෙනසක් කරන්න බලධාරීන් යම් උත්සහායක් දැරුව…Sep 20, 2023Sep 20, 2023
Logstash — Unstructured Multiple Log Lines as one Structured RecordProcess multiple lines of unstructured logs and combine them as one structured record prior stashing themNov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020
Flask App Deployment in Windows (Apache-Server, mod_wsgi)A simple but reliable approach to deploy python Flask apps in WindowsJan 23, 201915Jan 23, 201915
Debug Flask Applications with PyCharmDebugging is inevitable when you are not a brilliant programmer. I’m a terrible programmer and debugging is the only way for survival:)…Oct 9, 20181Oct 9, 20181
Remote Desktop to Ubuntu Instance with no GUI.Once in a while even for Linux/Ubuntu servers you might want remote desktop access. Yeah, you heard right! It is graphical user interface…Jun 26, 20182Jun 26, 20182
Python Packaging OverviewAt the time of this writing I have been coding in python for five straight months. I came from Java/Javascript background and I was…Jun 8, 20181Jun 8, 20181